Awhile ago I saw the United States wanted to shift daylight savings around because of the belief we can save energy. This belief seems to be fueled by a study done in the 70s that some scientists think doesn't apply today. What do they know, huh? Anyway the U.S. wants to shift daylight savings time in order to get more daylight and save power. Internationally it's supposed to put us out of whack during the time other countries have not changed their clocks.
Basically I thought "OK so it's the muscle bound country changing the way they see time". I didn't shrug it off but I didn't put that much thought into it.
Then yesterday on the front page of the
Wall Street Journal I see the United States put a "secret bid" in the United Nations to remove the link of time from the sun...
OK, OK, I guess you can do that, they redefined the second to terms of light awhile wait why can you do that again? This probably would have screwed with Einstein's mind when he made the E=mc^2 argument. Meters per....whatever it is the United States wants it to be.
Anyway the two people opposing this big time seem to be England (commanders of time with the Greenwich Standard) and astronomers who would have to pay 10 to 500 thousand dollars to modify existing laboratories because of their dependance on todays time standards.
I really think the United States needs to leave time alone. We have already pulled away from the metric system and I'm fine with that, but you don't need to reinvent the second.