Friday, September 21, 2007
Barry Bonds, Home Run King
The asterisk means nothing in a court that is extremely biased and leads a battle of injustice where one man is the "lightning rod" for scrutiny that belongs on a macroscale if at all.
Until focus is placed on all of major league baseball public opinion has no place judging one man, especially when allegations are the only thing it has to base its opinion.
While I don't expect those on the internet to decide to bestow the ball without an asterisk as it is largely a caucasian user base I do want to put my mark on the net so it is known that not everyone is prepared to blindly adhear to the prejudiced direction that manipulates the mindset of the western world.
I'm voting "A"

Thursday, July 05, 2007
Incitement Made Easy
I will add the contact information, including physical address, phone number, and email when possible, to take a step or two out of the process of contacting others.
In the case of Congress I will offer a link to It is a site designed to write both private and open letters to the Congressional electorate. In most other cases a direct contact will be supplied.
I say all this primarily as a reminder to myself but also as a note for any reader that may cross this site. Maybe it will help you. Maybe it will help you help me. Hopefully, we will ultimately benefit from the new method.
My email: (The spambots have not gotten me yet)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Bill Moyers Journal: Buying the War
Moyers lays out a 90 minute story filled with interviews of two reporters, Warren Strobel and Jonathan Landay, who had 40 years of experience and were working with Knight Ridder newspapers at the time. He also speaks with Dan Rather, formerly of CBS news and many others in a rare and most thorough dissection of how the media allowed the country to send its soldiers into another country without challenge.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
If Not Imus, Then Beck, Boortz, Limbaugh, and O'Reilly: Let's Not Go After Hip Hop for Imus' Sake
First of all, a rapper would never have hurled racist and sexist slurs against the Rutgers team after their loss in the NCAA Tournament. Attacking people after such a difficult defeat is never funny. It's cold.This is a decent explanation of why the mainstream media is wrong in promoting talk against hip hop instead of going after Neal Boortz, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly
Second, rappers would differentiate between student-athletes working hard to rise to the top of their field and prostitutes or even promiscuous women. Do some hip-hoppers use sexist slurs too much? Definitely. But that should not be viewed any differently than the sexist slurs thrown around the boardroom or in workplace cafeterias. It's also no different than a business structure that pays women an average of 23 percent less than men.
Hip-hop should be judged like any other art form, on the merits of the many, rather than the actions of a few. There are examples of sexism and racism in country music and rock as well, but those genres aren't stereotyped in the same way.
The insults Imus and his colleague chose for the Rutgers women were designed to resonate with a certain part of his snickering audience - the ones who see everything in racial terms first. He was playing the race card then and, by trying to push some of the blame for his actions on hip-hop, he is doing it again.
"Ho" Comes From European Language: Stop Pawning It On Black People
The word ho did not originate in the African American community. In fact, no word said by an African American has originated in the African American community. English is not an invention of Africans. It is an invention of the English. “Ho” is not a word that was pulled out of nowhere by the Black community; rather it is a shortened version of the word “whore” or “hooker” which white people have been using for centuries to describe women.
It is senseless and narrow minded to attribute this type of language to Blacks considering this Germanic language comes from
The word whore has a similar, if not more extensive, background. “Hore” as used to describe a prostitute or harlot came from Old English through Proto-Germanic language. This is similar to the Old Norse “hora” for adulteress, Danish “hore, Swedish “hora”, the Dutch’s “hoer” and Old High German huora for “whore”. This word originated in the Germanic language and was passed on to African Americans via United States slavery which bleached the original language of the Africans and instilled this new language, one that is known for the lopsided appearance of negative words toward women rather than men and people of color rather than Whites.
White people are responsible for sexist words like whore, ho, slut, bimbo, and hoochie just as they are responsible for racist words such as gook, nigger, spick, and wet back. These are the inventions of a hateful White culture not Africans or African Americans. Imus, and everyone else for that matter, needs to bite their tongue before feeding everyone such tripe.
Institutional Racism at Work: Whites Lost Imus so They Are Attacking Hip Hop
“White powerful” people are mad that Imus was taken down and now, in an act of vengeance, they are making institutional racism work by attacking Blacks via hip hop. Notice how they have changed the issue from Imus to Black people.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Open Letter to Randi Rhodes of Air America in response to her segment "Why Imus and Why Now"
It is my opinion that "why now?" is because we've had enough. He's been slandering everybody for much to long and after the racist and sexist attack on women who are trying to earn their degree, participate in school sports, and just go on with their lives we're finally telling him he has stepped over his boundaries.
While I am forever appreciative of the voice Randi provides to radio I am not going to let her hijack this issue so easily. I see too many people who think this is a complicated act against Republicans, or Democrats, or conservative radio, etc. Maybe it's just that America is learning to not tolerate racism, sexism, and degradation when it rears its ugly head.
It is impossible for you to completely understand my position on Imus' racist, sexist, trashy, and uncalled for remarks. It is equally impossible for me to fully understand some feminine issues you may delve into because I am a man. While I appreciate your compassion for this issue you cannot go beyond intellectualizing it.
Imus attacked our Black children. In response, we are coming down on him with deserved negative attention. If you cannot fathom that Imus is being attacked "simply" in response to his racist attack on our children that is fine but do not show a lack of appreciation by quickly dismissing every person in dissention with your view who believes this is an issue of race.
Your claim of this being a complex move strategically made to make the less jovial, conservative radio hosts think "this could happen to me" is self serving. Whenever Blacks have striven for upward mobility White people have ridden on their coattails even though they already have more than enough. After the Civil War Lincoln tried to remove Africans and African Americans from the country and share-cropping took advantage of the newfound "freedom". In the 1960's the Women's Rights movement coupled itself on the phenomenal force of the Civil Rights movement. Today we see a less spectacular form of "How can I take advantage of this" in the form of liberal talk radio using the issue of Imus defaming these Black women via our national airways as a leaping point to shake up conservative radio. Others want to use the issue as an example of the "cunning" of the right wing where they are getting rid of yet another "anti Republican" rabble rouser.
Selfish is it not, considering Air
If you would entertain the thought for a moment, you would possibly consider that maybe, just maybe, Black people care deeply about what happens to their people, their sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, and so on. Imus deserves to be fired for his transgression and should never see radio again. He must be punished for his disgraceful, derogatory statements.
What plans you and anyone creating issues outside of the main one do is your business. Let us respect our own motives though.
Open Call to CBS RADIO Re: Request for Imus' termination
There is no defense for this man’s words. His lifespan on radio is no excuse. It just means his removal is overdue. The language of others whether it be Jay Z, Dick Cheney or Rush Limbaugh is not the issue. They are not Imus. Imus’ compassion for his wife does not excuse his sexist language. Her tolerance of his misgivings does not reflect mine. Besides, many sexist individuals have cared for their wives and daughters. Even Strom Thurmond took care of his Black daughter. Celebrities saying he is a “good” man are no defense. If he is such a good man then why is he in this mess? Imus has no excuse for staying on air.
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Obama garners youth with social website
Friday, March 02, 2007
Supporting Unions
Regardless of where you live or what you do, labor unions are our first line of defense for worker's rights. What do they fight for? Raising the minimum wage. Improving labor standards. Expanding health care benefits. Protecting retirement security.
And these fights don't only make a difference in the workplace: They are critical to providing economic security for families, strengthening our communities and rebuilding America's middle class. Every day, millions of Americans work hard and play by the rules but are still struggling to get by. Democrats understand the important role that labor unions play to fix this crisis.
The House of Representatives is set to debate and pass a bill that will restore American workers' right to freely choose whether or not to form a union. Join the Democratic majority in the House and show your support for the Employee Free Choice Act:
Research shows union members earn 30% more than nonunion workers. What's more, union workers are 63% more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, and are four times more likely to have a guaranteed pension.
The benefits of union membership are clear. That's why nearly half of American workers who are not currently represented by unions -- 60 million people -- say that they'd join one if they had the chance. But every year since 1981, union membership has declined. And a major reason for that fall-off is the many obstacles workers face when they try to form a union or negotiate a union contract.
The Employee Free Choice Act is a simple, effective solution to restore the right of workers to form unions and bargain for better wages and benefits for themselves and their families. It has three key provisions:
Require employers to recognize a union if a majority of workers sign authorization cards saying they want union representation.
Provide mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes.
Strengthen penalties for companies that illegally intimidate employees to prevent them from forming a union.
No management coercion, no waiting period, no stacked deck -- just the freedom for workers to stand up for their rights.
Democratic leaders in the House overwhelmingly support the Employee Free Choice Act. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called it a "top priority." House Labor Committee Chairman George Miller called it "an important step towards strengthening America's middle class." Now you can join the leadership in calling on Congress to pass this critical legislation:
Big business is scared of the Employee Free Choice Act -- and that's why they're doing everything in their power to stop it.
75% of companies hire consultants or union-busters to fight organizing campaigns. And their tactics work: every 23 minutes, a worker is fired or discriminated against for supporting a union. All in all, over 22,000 workers each year are illegally fired, demoted, laid off, suspended without pay, or denied work by their employers as a result of union activity.
Why have our leaders in Washington allowed this to happen? Follow the money trail.
The public opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act is funded in large part by GOP-allied corporate lobbyists and interest groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the American Conservative Union, and Americans for Tax Reform. The dozens of groups that make up the "Coalition for a Democratic Workplace" spend big bucks each election cycle buying Republicans' votes on bills like this one.
This is nothing new. Big Business always gets what it wants from the Republicans-- from an energy bill written by Cheney's oil industry pals to a prescription drug bill full of giveaways to Big Pharma.
This time, though, the Democrats in Congress can stop them. Show the House that you will stand with America's workers:
Do you believe in the right to demand a raise? Health care coverage? A pension? Do you believe workers should have a voice in their workplaces?
The fate of the Employee Free Choice Act depends on your work. Help score an important victory for worker's rights and for rebuilding America's middle class.
In Solidarity,
Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Venezuela is a democratic state
I recently came across a thread on the forums where someone gave praise to China for aiding African nations. He heralded it as the end of European domination, which is true if the west doesn't get its act together, and ended by blessing Hugo Chavez.
A resident righty that patrols the forum who types much and often says nothing accused the thread creator of supporting all communists and dictators across the globe. The guy had an African user name with no location under it so I thought he might actually be from Africa. I posted a link to a story about China's mishandling of copper fields in Zimbabwe asking his opinion on it. I also replied to righty by saying Chavez helps low income people in the United States with low priced heating for homes and said Venezuela is not a Communist country, which it isn't. No Big Deal, right? *rolleyes*
A brainwashed military blow hard asks me why I don't move to Venezuela and "be a Commie". I "politely" tell him I'm a patriot (Actually I say I'm the most patriotic human being on the Earth. Though that is not true as long as Jack Bauer lives) and I speak against ills this country perpetrates. In fact think of it as a relationship between 24's Jack Bauer and his father. Jack loves his father but does not want him to harm innocent lives. Then righty returns practically saying nuh uh telling me "get with the program".
I responded by accusing him of being the same type of person who thought FDR was Communist. I supplied a link to the CIA Factbook showing Venezuela is a federal republic and an article by Josef Cohen showing why Venezuela will not be a Communist country any time soon. It in fact leans capitalist and the country's people favor democracy more than any other nation in South America.
I've invited the righty several times to state his position on political candidates in the 2008 elections and he never accepts my invitation. He just likes to roam around making baseless statements a la Rush Limbaugh.
How do you get through to these people?Monday, February 12, 2007
Obama Criticizes Australian Prime Minister
In addition, Australian political opponent Kevin Rudd warned Prime Minister Howard that he should take care not to strain the 65 year alliance that has existed between the U.S. and Australia. Kevin Rudd. The ACNielsen poll in the Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers has found Mr Rudd is the most popular Opposition leader in the past 35 years.The Democratic presidential hopeful said if the Australian prime minister was "ginned up to fight the good fight in Iraq," he needs to send another 20,000 Australians to the war.
"Otherwise, it's just a bunch of empty rhetoric," Obama said.
Criticism toward Howard has come from both Republicans and Democrats in the U.S.
Senator Jon Cornyn, a Texas Republican, said Howard should have kept quiet. "I would prefer that Mr. Howard stay out of our domestic politics, and we'll stay out of his domestic politics," Cornyn said. Ron Wyden, Democratic Senator from Oregon said "We'll make our own judgments in this country with respect to elections" after saying Howard's comment is at best "bizarre".
I'm disgusted a world diplomat would assume directive in a situation where his contributions, even as "significant" as he claims them to be, are meager compared to the 140,000 troops the United States has allocated to Iraq. Australia currently has 1,400 troops in and around Iraq, mostly in non combat roles. Even at the height of the Iraq war Australia had fewer soldiers than we've had die in Iraq to date.
Howard tried to claim 1,400 troops is significant considering the Australian population. Unfortunately he understands ratios just as well as he understands staying out of another country's politics. We a population of 300 million people vs his 20,000,000. 15:1 ratio right? We have 140,000 troops to his 1,400. 100:1 ratio. Does anyone see me not smiling? He owes us 8,000 more troops before I'll declare a "significant contribution". Even that won't be enough after Bush's surge.
Howard doesn't seem to understand that he is interfering with the election process of the United States. When critics from his own country said it was inappropriate for the Prime Minister to comment as he did Howard mistakenly drew parallels to Opposition criticism of George Bush in 2003, when he was already an established national leader. Considering the Prime Minster's ties to George Bush, his similar lack of discerning and status as a national leader, he has no business making comments pertaining to our elections.
The Prime Minister of Australia Criticizes Barack Obama
What does the Prime Minister of Australia have to do with American elections? I think he's supposed to butt out and pay attention to what's actually happening with his own country. Everyone knows he's chummy chum with George Bush on the Iraq war and anyone with that type of mindset has no credibility anyway.
If Mr. Prime Minister is interested in letting the few number of people he has provided to occupy Iraq get shot at, go ahead. But stay out of the United State's business. Australia? Really?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
The Value of Black Life in General
The Value of Black Life in MarylandBy Parris Glendening
Sunday, December 18, 2005; B07In the eight years I served as governor of Maryland, I found the power to decide which condemned prisoners would live and which would die the most awesome and emotionally grueling of all my duties. I faced this decision four times.
I believed in the death penalty when I became governor and took seriously my constitutional responsibility to uphold Maryland law. I presided over two executions, those of Flint Gregory Hunt and Tyrone Gilliam. Both were black men whose victims were white. I heard from many civil rights leaders who rightly pointed out that this racial combination dominated cases on our state's death row, even though African Americans were and continue to be the victims in nearly 80 percent of homicides.
So in 1999 I commissioned a study of race and death sentencing from the University of Maryland, believing it my responsibility to ensure that justice was truly blind when applying this ultimate punishment.
A few months later I faced yet another execution of a black man with a white victim -- that of Eugene Colvin-el. I was not yet convinced that a moratorium on executions was necessary. But I was also not 100 percent certain of Colvin-el's guilt, so I commuted his death sentence to life without the possibility of parole.
The last execution I faced was that of Wesley Baker -- whom Maryland ultimately executed on Dec. 5. His was the fourth case to come before me in which an African American man was condemned to die for the murder of a white Marylander. And as with two of the three condemned men before him, he had been sentenced to die in Baltimore County.
I could not, in good conscience, go forward with another execution of a black man for killing a white person. I stayed Baker's execution in May 2002 and imposed a moratorium on all executions pending the results of the University of Maryland study.
Days before I left office in January 2003, the study was released. Examining the records of more than 1,300 death-penalty-eligible cases between 1978 and 1999, criminologist Raymond Paternoster concluded that both geographic and racial disparities existed.
Baltimore County was singled out as having a significantly higher rate of death sentences than other jurisdictions in the state. Murderers in Baltimore County were 26 times more likely to be sentenced to death than killers in Baltimore City and 14 times more likely than murderers in Montgomery County.
The significant racial disparities are troubling. Cases in which the victim was white were almost twice as likely to result in the death penalty as cases in which the victim was black, and blacks who killed whites were 2 1/2 times more likely to be sentenced to death than whites who killed whites.
These results lead to the unfortunate conclusion that we value white life more than black life. Intentional or not -- and I believe it is not -- this is an indefensible and untenable position for the state. Whether one supports or opposes the death penalty in principle, all reasonable people understand that before we exercise the ultimate sanction, we must be confident that the system is, at a minimum, fair and accurate.
The University of Maryland study received a great deal of attention and should have been a call to action for state leaders, but no solutions have been implemented. The General Assembly, despite conducting hearings on the issue, never passed legislation to deal with the inequalities highlighted in the study.
Gov. Robert Ehrlich, who lifted my moratorium on executions after assuming office despite acknowledging that race "plays a part all the way through the process," named Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele as the new administration's point man on the issue. The lieutenant governor promised to conduct an assessment of our state's death penalty. To date, he has not.
Despite being ignored by the current administration, issues raised by the study remain. Maryland still faces serious questions about the impact of race and geography in capital sentencing.
I implemented the moratorium to allow for the thorough and fair study of our death penalty system and to allow for action to be taken to prevent racial and geographic discrimination. The study was completed, but the corrective action was not. It is time for our state to honestly and openly consider these findings and to find constructive remedies. To carry out executions under this scenario is simply wrong.
The writer was governor of Maryland from 1995 to 2003.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Los Angeles - Mexican Mafia Incites Latino Gangs to execute Blacks
“The Harbor Gateway has been a treacherous place for blacks and Hispanics since the mid- to late-1990s, when blacks started moving into the largely Hispanic area” according to the Daily Breeze (the article is archived now but happens be saved on’s Forum). A decade old turf war between Black and Latino gangs has escalated to the point where even non-gang members are not safe. The front line for this troubled area is the stretch of 206th street between Western and Normandie avenues. North of 206th street is Hispanic, south is Black. Harbor happens to be home of the 204th street gang of which two members responsible for the murder of Cheryl Green are members. (They were reportedly caught and charged with capital murder and 1st degree attempted murder on December 27). Cheryl Green’s death caught national attention but she was not the first victim to befall tragic and senseless targeted killings.
An 11-year-old boy was shot by a Latino gang member in 1997 just a couple blocks away from where Cheryl. In 2002, alleged gang member Marco Milla was convicted of murder and five counts of attempted murder after firing into a group of black people, killing one man at a liquor store near 204th Street and Harvard Boulevard. Residents say they live under a blanket of weariness if not fear. Any African-American that makes their presence in “exlusively” Hispanic parts of town may become the target of harassment. A 1995 police report said "This gang has been involved in an ongoing program to eradicate Black citizens from the gang neighborhood." A 1996 LAPD report on gangs in east Los Angeles stated, "Local gangs will attack any Black person that comes into the city."
After a long time suppression of escalating racial tensions by politicians and other public figures, Last month Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Police Chief William J. Bratton and L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca mobilized to confront and crackdown on the problem.
The importance of the Mayor, Sheriff’s Department and the LAPD’s move cannot be overstated. An alarming trend has been appearing with regard to interracial gang violence. From 2002 to 2006 interracial attacks between Blacks and Latino increased 11% while intra-racial gang attacks fell 23%. Experts such as Tony Rafael, respected writer and gang expert, say they have noticed an increased number of attacks on African Americans and he has gone so far as to describe it as “a policy of ethnic cleansing”. Stats in San Fernando show troubling cases that support this statement. Of 13 attempted murders occurring since July, 10 of them involved Black victims and Latino suspects and in many of these cases the victims were not affiliated with any gang.
These occurrences are a bit odd when one considers there were gangs over a decade ago where African Americans and Hispanics were in the same gang together. Tony Rafael uses the 18th street gang as an example of a gang that was an equal opportunity employer until the Mexican Mafia ordered them to “cleanse” themselves of Black members.
The Mexican Mafia according to Rafael is responsible for these senseless killings. It started in the prisons where the Black Guerilla family and the Mexican Mafia are at odds. One example of the tension is the prison race riots last year. Mexican Mafia, who have control of many Latino gangs outside of prison, instruct gang members who enter the penal system to kill African-Americans outside of prison. The prison conflicts have spilled into the street at the order of “made men” within the Mexican Mafia.
The Mexican Mafia’s attitude is that African-Americans are “infesting” their land. This is not that surprising because the racial division that permeates the California prison is based in centuries of prejudice that began in the times of slavery. It is the same prejudice that permeates the United States. Irony can be seen in the fact that most Mexicans are a mix of European, Native American and AFRICAN descent but the “made men” of the Mexican mafia fail to see it this way. Just as Mexicans are prone to elect a light skinned official into government office they were more than willing to join the Aryan brotherhood in the prisons and in doing so made African-Americans their sole target.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Is The US Ready To Elect A Female President
Yes, a woman can become president and that woman is Hillary Clinton. When asked who registered voters would be most likely to support for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 Hillary Clinton overwhelmed the other eleven candidates listed with 34% responding in her favor. Her closest competitor, Barack Obama, had 18%. Hillary Clinton was the front runner in the latest Nationwide ABC News/Washington Post Poll (Jan 16-19) where she edged out Rudy Giuliani 49 to 47 percent and beat John McCain 50 to 45. Every major polling on the Democratic presidential nomination for 2008 showed Clinton ahead of her nearest competitor by double digits. She took the New York Senate seat with double digits (12%) and though it may be closer in polls for the presidential election it must be noted she has been more than competitive. Among potential candidates for the 2008 election Hillary Clinton has even been compared to Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt and Reagan, two of the most popular presidents of both major parties past. Hillary Clinton maintains number power behind her and that is not the only evidence of her ability to win.
Clinton not only has the numbers on her side. She has the Clinton ‘War Room‘ in addition to other political powerhouses that have served in suppressing the Republican machine that unjustly tore down so many Democratic candidates before her. Clinton entered an electoral battlefield in New York where $60,000,000 was spent to defame and defeat her and she emerged on top. She has the aid of James Carville, George Stephanopoulos, and Mark Penn, advisers who have worked on the only two successful Democratic presidential campaigns in the past couple decades. Howard Dean’s grass roots 50 State Strategy can do nothing but aid Mrs. Clinton by embracing people on a more personal level. In addition, she has the greatest living US presidential speaker in her husband Bill Clinton. On top of this non comprehensive list, her War Room is stocked and well oiled with money. Ten million dollars has been in reserve since the 2006 election and as soon as Hillary Clinton declared ‘I’m in’ last Sunday millions more were put in queue.
Even dismissing everything previously said another factor appears to have been overlooked. A presidential candidate is not just ‘a man’ or ‘a woman’ (Though that ‘basic principal’ would have been truer in the past). The presidential candidate is a mass of supporters, a complex set if ideals and ideas and personality that, by the evidence the numbers suggest, attract more than ‘the woman’s vote’, ‘the pro-life vote’, or even the ‘anti-Bush vote’, the last of which will sadly be weaker upon the joyous departure of Bush 43. Hillary Clinton is a former First Lady, a United States Senator, an author, attorney and an active champion for family welfare who fought for women’s rights, expanded child care and early education and in fighting for universal health care she led the creation and design of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which has provided millions of children with health insurance. It is all of this and more that contribute to the ultimate decision of the nation. But most important of all these identities is that she is a Democrat.
A virtual unknown can be placed in either major political party and garner a majority of the nation's votes *cough*recent governor from Arkansas*cough*. What we have here is a Democrat with star power who has spent her life helping people. Short of Jesus giving her an endorsement you’re not getting anything better in politics. The elections were won in 2000 and 2004 by George Bush largely because of an appeal to Hispanics and WOMEN. The increase in women’s support accounted for roughly 2.5% of the 3.5% margin George Bush won by last election. Who better to be empathetically in touch with women, who make up 54% of all voters, than a woman’ Hillary Clinton can easily reverse that advancement that had been so crucial to the Republican Party in recent elections past by taking the edge on the women’s vote away. Especially in this polarized political atmosphere, Hillary Clinton can carry the same states Kerry did and along with one or two others that were marginally won by Bush (if actually at all) in the 2004 presidential race and take the White House to (finally) become our first woman president.
Aspiring Incitement
Democratic National Party
Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy
Hillary Clinton for President
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Hillary Clinton Officially Announces '08 Run
Six years after making history by winning a United States Senate seat as first lady, Mrs. Clinton has set her sights on breaking yet more political barriers in her extraordinary and controversial career.
We all knew she was going to run and now that it's official it's time to see the Clinton machine take down the Republican machine.
Democrats in '08