The news has been unfairly giving more press to Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. In addition it has been shining a more positive light on Obama than on Clinton. In addition, the media turns every candidate into a juggernaut despite the nationwide polling that showed the only real juggernaut out there was Hillary Clinton. She showed up in the Cronkite, American Research Group, Quinnipac University, and Washington Post polls in the last quarter of 2007 as a sweeping candidate that controlled 40% of each polling. Yet the Times, CNN, etc. showed every candidate as having some type of potential equal to or greater than Hillary. In reality, every other candidate has been a media creation to push them as far as they have gotten. (I give exception to Obama who has the "O" factor on his side. Oprah Winfrey is the 5th column of the government.)
As I write this blog I Googled "New Hampshire" (without quotes) in Google News and I see 4 articles on Senator John McCain clinching the primary, 3 articles "punditting" away about the NH primary, 1 article on Senator Hillary Clinton winning the primary, 1 on Mitt Romney getting second in the Republican primary (are you serious?), and 1 on Fred Thompson's and how he is neglecting New Hampshire. Even though the people saw through the thin veil that was the media debasing Senator Clinton the news is still trying to save the face of the anti-Clinton, the great, white, male hope that can take down the Democratic juggernaut.
Events contradicted polling that led up to today's primary showing Obama ahead and now everyone will turn their guns away from Obama and toward Clinton again, just as they were pointed before the Iowa phase. The Google search shows that it is obvious the media is writing more about McCain to prop him up because he has received tens of thousands fewer votes than Hillary Clinton.
According to CNN Hillary Clinton has about 170k+ votes with only 83% of the precincts reporting. McCain only had 130k+ votes with a similar number of votes in for the Republican primary. The media will not mention this but it is obvious that there are many more Clinton supporters out there in itty bitty New Hampshire than there are McCain supporters. There are more Democrats out there period and McCain will need all the help he can get.
The itty bitty New Hampshire factor is another point I need to bring up. Why the heck is New Hampshire getting so much credit? I live on the border of a few cities where I could throw a rock into each city nearby and hit 3 or four cities that contain more people than voted in either New Hampshire or Iowa for that matter. It is ridiculous how much weight they put on these bleached, baby sized, "we voted first" people.
Stop propping up the underdog with undeserved praise. Start supporting statements with the numbers. Clinton won the New Hampshire Democratic primary. McCain won the New Hampshire Republican primary. Clinton had more votes. Period. This psycho-babble analysis needs to stop.