Sunday, August 17, 2008

On Barack Obama's announcement to run for president of the United States at Spring Field Illinois' Old State Capital

On February 10, 2007, Barack Obama announced his run for president of the United States in front of the Old State Capital at Springfield Illinois, notable for its association with Abraham Lincoln as a legislator. He incited the name of Lincoln in his announcement, crediting the man with helping free the slaves and organization “the forces arrayed against slavery”. Truthfully, Abraham Lincoln was not only ambivalent about the freedom of slaves but wanted to create an amendment calling for all people of African descent do be thrown out of the country. He believed in a natural inferiority of African descendents and wanted the social casting of his time to remain in place. What African American, especially one in the position to be as educated as Barack Obama, would choose to announce his candidacy at such a dubious locale?

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