Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Retraction: Obama wins Missouri

I called Missouri for Clinton the day of and then relegated this post to a draft in order to hide it from the world. I just can't delete it because I wrote it and I'm a writing packrat. Obama went on to win Missouri by one percent when Clinton had been ahead in the count the whole day.

The original title of this post was "Hillary wins Missouri. You heard it hear first." because I wanted to call it before any major news network. Looks like I pulled a Fox. Then again, the AP apparently called it for Clinton too. I guess we can all make mistakes...(must start a conspiracy theory that says Obama stole Missouri).

Here is the original post:

I just realized I can call Missouri for Clinton before any of the major networks do. Correct me if I am wrong.

With 94% of the vote in and Obama needing two to one to come back in what looks like a 50/50 cut of the rest of the votes I can faithfully call Missouri for Hillary Clinton.

edit: It looks like AP called it 30 minutes ago. I should have tried to call it earlier. I just kept wondering why MSNBC didn't put that fancy yellow check there.

Then again they are claiming that Clinton and Obama hate each other. The only candidate hated in this race is Mitt Romney. We all know that.

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