Tuesday, February 07, 2006

By the Way. Bush broke the law.

President Bush broke the law. Thousands of Americans have been eavesdropped on by the President without warrents and nearly all of them have been dismissed as potential suspects. That means there are thousands of people out there who have been secretly wire-tapped and they will have no idea what was taken by the government. As Senator Leahy asked "what is done" with this information? Are they going to throw it away? Are thousands of Americans now part of this new White House archive?

Come to think of it, what's to stop another Watergate from occurring right now? Speedy Gonzales is allowing the Executive Branch to go on without any checks or balances. We currently have the police policing the police. NSA officials who work under the president will watch their own organization and report to the president. What is it called when the governed are not governed. Are we under a tyranny or an anarchy right now? I think Mr. bush is being tyrannical. Yes, bush is causing a tyrannical problem right now.

You know, the bush crew is saying they cannot get everything done that needs to be done to stop another 9/11 from occurring under current FISA statutes. But no one is saying those statutes are static. The senate had a virtual 100 percent agreement on passing the Patriot act. Why would President Bush and his lawyers be afraid to go to Congress and fix the statutes? Is it possible that they have something to hide? When I have something to hide I generally try to step around the people who I'm hiding something from. Does that make sense?

The justice department did reject the bush administration's notion that they should be able to do NSA surveillance under "a reasonable basis" isntead of "probable cause" as standard of the Fourth Amendment. Perhaps bush Co. realizes some of the "Terrorist Surveillance" (oh screw that, it's unwarranted surveillance, the country is breaking the law and tapping your phones without a court order) did not come up to par with the court's idea of what is necessary to have a warrant issued.

Personally I think we should get democrats for '06 so we can uncover what's going on. If we can have the House back for one session let it be when we can find out what illegal procedures Bush and his cronies are doing.

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