Monday, February 06, 2006

Gonzales Aid's President in Illegal Surveillance

If you've been following CSPAN you're aware of Alberto Gonzales' smug interpretation of the law.

And while I was going to analyze everything Gonzales said wrong I saw this bomb at CrooksandLiars. I thought I watched the NSA questioning at least twice but apparently this slipped my mind.

Gonzalez is practically kicking us in the face and secretly laughing at us ( I say secretly because he is sort of holding the grin back).

Yes it is sick that the other side will sit there and pretend like everything is fine and dandy when you have scum puddles like this pushing the limits of their sick game and toying with the people of this country.

But once again I say it was damn funny. I cannot stop watching it. Yes they have us hypnotized I sat there listening when it was live. I heard it yet I did not hear it. Only now so many hours later do I realize I have been made a fool of. Kind of sad but they say so much shit it just flows through your brain.

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