Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chris Matthews, ugh

On Hardball, Chris Matthews tore into Hillary Clinton under the guise of the question “How can Clinton win”. The rest of the characters on his show at the time began saying how it is impossible, then correcting themselves and saying it is improbable for her to pull off a victory. Matthews introduces an Obama clip that is followed by a Clinton clip of much shorter length. Chris follows the Clinton clip by saying that both candidates looked tired. (favorable words before Barack Obama, unfavorable after Hillary Clinton).

Shortly after they talk about how Hillary Clinton is losing everywhere in the poll. They criticize Clinton for criticizing Barack Obama’s campaign for being a campaign about a campaign. I agree with Clinton's assessment.

The media should not manipulate the voters. Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Oregon and the rest of the United States do not need to be manipulated. Listen to the debates and the words of the candidates instead. Compare their stance using their websites and writings and compare the candidates’ voice to that instead of listening to Chris Matthews.

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