Tuesday, August 30, 2005

President Bush's Imperial Behavior: How far can he go before we say no?

Chavez faces a real threat in the United States. President Bush has already invaded two countries and removed the leadership afterward.

Is it possible George Bush has not realized that American public opinion of him is beginning to mirror the same purality the world has had for years. Does Bush not realize the United States is starting to take on the face of a country that bullies others, destroys innocents and fights against the very democracy they claim to want for the entire world? Has he been ignoring our attempts to overthrow democractically elected officials in South America

The United States needs to be more aware of the impact of what its people say. Perhaps if the White House would condemn statements such as Bush supporter Pat Robertson's incitement to murder instead of classifying them as "one citizen's statement" Perhaps if the White House would condemn statements like Pat Robertson's and stop attempting to have democratically elected officials overthrown in South America the United States could get as many deals as Cuba or Brazil. Chavez is definitely a

(unfinished draft in 2005, posted on 1/31/2008)

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