Friday, August 19, 2005

Don't exercise your free speech in front of Rush. He might getcha!!

If not for the fact that he is Rush Limbaugh I wouldn't believe he says the things he does. Time restraints prevent me from commenting on everything done by the big red faced man who lies as much as he talks. Fortunately does have the time to catch his criticism of the 1st Amendment among everything else.
So, I felt like this was one of those 1st Amendment days.
Wouldn't it be great if anybody who speaks out against this country, to kick them out of the country? Anybody that threatens this country, kick 'em out. We'd get rid of Michael Moore, we'd get rid of half the Democratic Party if we would just import that law. That would be fabulous. The Supreme Court ought to look into this. Absolutely brilliant idea out there.
So I decided to support him with a letter. Maybe we should all support him with a letter. Anyway, here's how mine went.

Great Idea Rush!

August 11, 2005 on your show you said we need to kick
out anybody who speaks against this country. That's a
brilliant idea.

I think you'll agree with me when I say you're the
first to go. If you want to get rid of the ability to
petition the Government so we can allow an unyielding,
unchecked government to exist go ahead and be my

I know for a fact that I am the country. We are the
country. If I want to talk about what I'm doing wrong
I have every right to do it.

Right now I don't feel like I'm not owning up to who I
am right now. I feel like half of me is ripping the
country apart. I feel like half of me is disregarding
the other half and making BOLD statements and behavior
that makes me sick.

So go ahead and leave if you want. You try and make me
leave and I'll make sure you're wading your way across
the Atlantic long before I am.

Article [I.]

Congress shall make no law ...respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably
to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances.
If you want here's Rush's e-mail
Heck here's his mailing address.
The Rush Limbaugh Show
1270 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

If any of his personal friends have his home address write him or give him a letter by hand unless maybe you're one of those people who don't like the Constitution. That's just as fine. You have the right to sit down and do nothing also.

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