The July 21 failed bombing attempt was not linked to the July 7 attacks, it was not intended to injure people, but only to scare, and he and his associates were motivated by anger at civilian casualties in Iraq, Hussain Osman told his interrogators in Rome. Osman is believed to be one of the 4 men who perpetrated the failed attack.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wal-Mart Moves On, Gunman or No Gunman
A couple days ago, December 28, 2005 to be exact, there was allegedly a gunman in Wal-Mart at the Long Beach Tone Center at (where else?) Long Beach, California. My family and I went to Wal-Mart to get Alka-Seltzer (if I add a link can you pay me Bayer?) and we were not allowed to enter because a gunman was supposedly inside. Somehow they did not know who the gunman was but one woman who had been turned away earlier said there was supposed to be a black man who had been waving a gun around inside the store...(no description...just a black gunman...I'm sure he was going to be ok...) "Everyone" (black males) was checked when they left the store. I had been there 30 minutes watching officers (I saw at least 6 black and whites) wander around lackadaisically. SWAT was not called in and Wal-Mat ade sure that, while no one was allowed to enter, customers who were already inside at the time would be ushered through the checkout lanes as they finished shopping.
[insert shopping cart picture here]
Isn't that a trip though? A gunman is supposed to be inside, no one is allowed to enter, but you can finish shopping. Wal-Mart needs to make a new ad... "Wal-Mart, not even a gunman will stop you from shopping here."
They Recovered Enough Bodies Anyway...
I guess it's that paradoxical situation where you can stop looking for your dead yet you can't pull out of Iraq. Maybe I'm sleepy and that's not the same thing.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
The irony. It takes Dick Cheney to make me come out of Hiding...
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
At least I know how to spell "liar"
~Conservative Voice
I'll be back later to rip on his article. I like how he throws thoughts around carelessly. God Bless You Ken Hughes.
Notice How She Always Has to Keep an Eye On Republicans
Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers meets with Sen. Jeff Sessions,
R-Ala., in his office Tuesday in Washington. Confirmation hearings for Miers,
Bush's White House counsel, could begin as early as Nov. 7. (Kevin Wolf / AP)
Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, right, meets with Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, in the Hart Senate Office Building on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2005 in Washington. President Bush nominated White House counsel Harriet Miers to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf) (Kevin Wolf - AP)
Supreme Court Nominee Harriet Miers meets with Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah.) on Tuesday.
Next with a Liberal
Senator Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., ranking Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, meets with White House Counsel Harriet Miers on Capitol Hill
Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2005, to discuss her nomination to the Suprme Court. (AP
Photo/Dennis Cook) (Dennis Cook - AP)
I think she's more comfortable around Democrats to tell you the truth. Who wouldn't be!
"I picked her, didn't I?
President Bush announces his nomination of White House counsel Harriet Miers,
left, to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court, in
the Oval Office of the White House in Washington Monday, Oct. 3, 2005. (AP
Photo/Ron Edmonds)
Other possible captions:
1. "I just know the b------d wants me to croak so he can put another man on office"
2. President Bush announces his nomination of White House counsel Harriet Miers, left, to replace deceased William Rehnquist on the Supreme Court. When you think about it the real caption is a little more morbid isn't it? I mean was Bush planning on putting another woman on the bench or not? Does it take a second judge being removed by death before you'll put a woman on the bench or were you planning on this happening? (AP Photo/Somebody who gives a d---)
3. President Bush realized he was going the opposite way of Compassionate Conservatism.
4. President Bush thinks to himself "I did it- I put a woman on- are you happy now Jesus?" (AP Photo/Somebody who gives a d---)
Polls Rise Despite Incompetence
It's like congratulating someone for dodging the second kick of a mule. If five hurricanes came up in the next 3 months and he showed up to every one of them does he get a 70 percent approval rating? What has to happen in Iraq for people to get mad? Do we have to lose another couple thousand soldiers? I just don't get it.
Bush's Domestic Story Shadows His Broad International War
While a couple dozen worshippers at at Shiite Mosque are blown up in Iraq (you know, that country Bush wanted to have a quick little war in)
Look at the nonsense he spews after the attack.
"We fully understand they intend to disrupt the constitutional process, or willThe attack happened at a mosque in the Shiite region. Could religion have anything to do with it? You have allowed them to adopt some religious principles in the constitution have you not? Are you forgetting that factor or what? The political process you see is the constitution you're trying to force down the throats of a very complicated eople. There are going to be years of struggle ahead. We shouldn't use phrases that marginalize the situation or make it seem "all better" for the American public.
try to do so, as well as stop the process of democracy," Bush said from the Rose
Garden, standing with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Joint Chiefs Chairman
Gen. Peter Pace and Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, the former commander of the effort
to train and equip Iraqi soldiers.
"We're seeing progress on the ground," Bush said. "And we're also seeing political progress on the ground."
Bill O'Reilly - Lies from the Right
Sorry I haven't been updating much. Education and Work have been piling on (two things George Bush should try to do more often)
I got it from Escatchon
edit ~10:24AM Oct 5, 2005: I can't believe I didn't notice this picture.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Cutting the Fat to Pay for Katrina
When we went to "war" with Iraq no one ever said we would have to cut any budgets to pay for it. To say we would have to take away from the people of the United States to pay for the war would have put even more controversy into it. So emergency acts were put into place and money was hurled over the Atlantic ocean.
Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any care of controversy over aiding Katrina. Already there are people reading through the constitution saying federal help is not obligatory. It doesn't help that everyone is talking about cutting programs nation wide to pay for Katrina. That only fuels the flames of all the "Article 1. Section 8ers". There are suggetions that Lousiana should pay for the damage from the natural disaster by themselves despite their being unable to generate income with most of the city shut down.
Taxpayers for Common Sense Vice President Keith Ashdown (requires Real Media Player) points out that it would be great for the people in Louisiana to help shoulder the burden of paying for the disaster if not for the fact that only 4 of the 34 who've been given contracts for reconstruction were out of state. Two of the largest are those who are getting contracts in Iraq without public bids. It's unfair to think the citizens of New Orleans should have to shoulder a burden that they are unable to bear.
Since the country is rolling the way of the offset, I guess we have to find places to "cut the fat".
Instapundit in conjunction with has been finding some places where the budget has gotten a little porky.
Along the way I've seen these articles.
The Gavina Access Project: A Bridge to Nowhere
"The Porn Police"
Also TCS has made their own fiscal offsetting budget.
Let's see if Congress wants to follow the lead of the people finding ways to cut costs so everyone can stop trying to make tragically jobless, homeless and impovershed people pay for a natural accident.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Only Now Am I Starting To Grasp The Meaning Of Institutional Racism
There is no need for anyone to be actively or extrovertly racist today. Institutions from schools to government to corporations were originally designed over the course of centuries to hold back people of color. Since Jamestown, Africans and then African-Americans were not allowed to read, write, speak their native tongue and were debased of their cultural background. After the Civil War slavery turned into share-cropping and share-cropping has turned into bad credit and inadequate jobs. It took a hundred years after "slavery ended" before the Black person was allowed into the boiling stew that is America and it is only this last couple of generations that has started easing up on racial divisions. Still, the slack recent peoples have given to the color line has not been enough to lift the racial cloak that has covered this country. Only an active change can abolish the racist institutions left standing since the beginning of America.
It is not enough for the recent generations to be tolerant, color-blind or neutral in opinion. Neutrality will only allow racism's continued existence. Active destruction of racial barriers is the only way to create a level playign field.,0,7596816.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Peter Daou and His Blog Analysis
Peter Daou talks about the blog-politician-media triangle needed to create victory.
It makes sense. The way the Daou triangle works you can get rid of those pesky judges who decide who runs the country.
Stealing from the Poor to Feed the Rich
(Drafted and unfinished in 2005, posted on 1/31/08)
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Bush: 59 years old and going on 35
I do like the fact that for the first time in Bush's Administration African-Americans are in support of his proposals for rebuilding New Orleans. It really shows where this country's heart is at. You have a city that is one of the cultural bases of the nation and white people are opposed to rebuilding it. That's rich.
Maybe we need a hurricane in Beverly Hills, no? That wouldn't help. They would have some reason for Beverly Hills being more important than New Orleans. Somehow they would put a spin on it as if it had nothing to do with money. Sort of like how Cheney pretends he doesn't care about where the money is going down in the Katrina aftermath.
G.O.P. officials say Cheney opposed a czar largely out of his affection for standard operating procedure. [yeah right] But a presidential adviser tells TIME that Cheney was also concerned that the new office would invite more meddling by Congress and create another power center. "If you appoint a czar and he doesn't get what he wants, like if you start to tamp down the spending, all he has to do is go to the press and create sympathy for his viewpoint and make it difficult for the President," the adviser says. Bush and his inner circle agreed, with little debate, top aides said.
So you go Bush administration. Keep pretending like you aren't running a money game under the public.
America is starting to wise up to you. It's taken everyone long enough. I just hope another "9/11" doesn't occur so ratings can be bolstered before '06 and '08.
p.s. Please excuse my absense. School and work find time to take time from me.Might I recommend looking at the other blogs on the sidebar when I get a little slow.
May I acknowledge DailyDissent
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The Buck stops where?
President Bush took responsibility Tuesday for breakdowns in theBut President Bush still says flaws occurred "at all levels of government".
federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina, saying the massive storm
had "exposed serious problems in our response capability."
At the same time
(Drafted in 2005 but posted on 1/31/08)
Friday, September 09, 2005
Barbara Bush, George W Bush, Racist?
Something that strikes me as amazing is that racism exists but some people refuse to believe it does.
There must be an incredible number of people who are either racist, sexist, apethetic or at least prejudiced to a degree that it hurts others in some way. It is hard to get an accurate number because you can't just send out a questionnaire expecting everyone to be forthrite.
I imagine if I walked up to Barbara Bush and asked "Do you care about all people," she'd give a resounding "Yes!" Unfortunately for her it is statements like this that show where her heart is at. Then we are supposed to believe George W. Bush's apple hasn't fallen far from that tree?
I originally saw the link to the article at Beautiful Horizons
(Drafted in 2005 and posted on 1/31/2008)
By Jerry Markon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 9, 2005; 12:27 PM
A federal appeals court ruled today that the president can indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil in the absence of criminal charges, holding that such authority is vital to protect the nation from terrorist attacks.
Read on...
The Associated PressFriday,
September 9, 2005; 1:35 PM
WASHINGTON -- Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown is being removed from his role managing Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
Brown is being sent back to Washington from Baton Rouge, where he was the primary official overseeing the federal government's response to the disaster, according to two federal officials who declined to be identified before the announcement.
Brown will be replaced by Coast Guard Vice Adm. Thad w. Allen, who was overseeing New Orleans relief and rescue efforts.
It's a start. Still, he's probably going to be used as the scapegoat. I doubt they'll throw too much fire at anyone else. You'd think Bush would have let him stay seeing as we're not supposed to play the "blame game" or use "politics" during a time of need.Thursday, September 08, 2005
Turns Out the Federal Government Cares Less About Louisiana than I thought
An article in the Washington Post shows much of the $1.9 billion in funding to the Army Corp during Bush's 5 year administration has funded projects that may have been unnecessary.
"Before Hurricane Katrina breached a levee on the New Orleans Industrial Canal, the Army Corps of Engineers had already launched a $748 million construction project at that very location. But the project had nothing to do with flood control. The Corps was building a huge new lock for the canal, an effort to accommodate steadily increasing barge traffic.
Except that barge traffic on the canal has been steadily decreasing"
Often inaccurate reports were used to get projects approved despite a series of independent investigations "criticizing the Army Corps construction projects as wasteful pork-barrel spending".
For all those who think Bush has done all he possibly can, when money was actually requested for projects to reduce flooding and shoring up the levees around Lake Pontchartrain not even one fifth of the original request was given. "Louisiana's delegation requested $27.1 million for shoring up levees around Lake Pontchartrain, the full amount the Corps had declared as its "project capability." Bush suggested $3.9 million, and Congress agreed to spend $5.7 million". $14 billion dollar plans were scaled back to $2 billion by administration officials limiting the amount that could be done in restoring coastal marshes, Louisiana's natural barrier against hurricanes.
I think the best thing that can be said is even if these projects were completed Katrina still would have torn the levees down. Still, Bush and his administration did nothing to help relieve the flooding before Katrina, they took days to start aid in Louisiana and it will take time to see if their efforts are reflecting what they have actually been capable of.
Ammendment 4:24 AM Sep 8, 2005
"you give it directly to state officials, you can kiss a good amount of it goodbye." from Ripclawe
I just noticed this blogger talking about the same subject and figured I would link it.
FEMA "Detention Camps"
One of the most ludacris statements made by a FEMA "host" was "The occupants of the camp cannot leave the camp for any reason. If they leave the camp they may never return. They will be issued FEMA identification cards and "a sum of money" and they will remain within the camp for the next 5 months. "
FEMA seems to like turning away help be it from Wal-Mart, Red Cross, Churches or family who has taken time and resources out of their busy life to help those in need. Maybe FEMA needs a concious overhaul.
kudos for the find on Escaton tavella
Uggabuga encapsulates the nonsense in one of his timelines.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Failure by FEMA
This article mentions some of the failure in response the federal government, FEMA and even local LA leaders had to Katrina.
With gas prices soaring above $3 a gallon and threatening the U.S. economy, Bush met with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and his economic advisers about Katrina's economic impact.
Bush said they all agreed the storm's damage to the gas supply was a "temporary disruption" and urged Americans to use prudence in filling up over the next few weeks.
"Don't buy gas if you don't need it," he said in Oval Office remarks with his father and Clinton at his side.
Gasoline sellers have been fast to raise prices, to more than $3 a gallon and in some places far higher, because of a sudden drop in supplies, prompting accusations they are artificially setting high prices to profit from the disaster.
Asked in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America" if U.S. oil companies should forfeit profits during the crisis, Bush said instead American corporations should contribute cash to hurricane relief funds.
Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, seized on that comment. He said that while Bush was "asking ordinary Americans to do more, he ought to show some real leadership, and call on his friends in Big Oil to join in the sacrifice and stop gouging American families at the gas pump."
In the ABC interview, Bush drew no line between those looting stores for survival supplies like food and water and those stealing television sets that are of no use with electricity out in New Orleans.
"I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this, whether it be looting, or price-gouging at the gasoline pump or taking advantage of charitable giving, or insurance fraud," Bush said.
Looting has run rampant in New Orleans as stranded victims of Hurricane Katrina await emergency assistance.
...Bush temporarily waived the Jones Act, which will allow foreign tankers to deliver oil to U.S. ports to ease disruptions in oil supplies. He said the government was working with energy companies to repair and reactivate major refineries and pipelines.
Bush acknowledged these steps would not solve the problem of getting enough gasoline to market.
Bush also said he expected Saudi Arabia to do "everything they can" to provide more oil, although he noted the Saudis had "limited capacity" to do so.
In the interview, Bush defended his own decision to wait until Wednesday to return to Washington and cut short by a couple of days a monthlong working vacation at his Texas ranch. Now is not a time to play politics, he said to Democratic critics.
Let’s be clear: Officials in New Orleans and elsewhere in Louisiana are hardly blameless in this tragedy. Official preparations for the storm centered on an evacuation plan designed to hasten the flow of private vehicles out of the city. This system worked well, and many more lives would have been lost without it. But as is now obvious, the plan did not take sufficient account of those who would not or could not evacuate on their own.
No federal presence was evident as the storm in the Gulf gathered strength and chugged toward us. If Blanco and Mayor Ray Nagin thought in the days before landfall that the federal government wasn’t pulling its weight, they should have said so loudly and frankly.
Bush resisted demands for an inquiry into what went wrong in federal relief in first few days after Katrina hit. He said it was more important to focus on human rescue for now.
Nagin also remained defiant, rebuffing recent criticism from federal authorities and media representatives who have tried to shift the blame for the slow response for support to the local and state levels.
"I welcome that," he said. "I welcome the criticism. My question to them is, 'Where were you? Where the hell were you?' "
Nagin said he witnessed the storm's devastation firsthand and toured the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and Superdome, where people were living in what he called "subhuman" conditions.
"I saw babies dying and old people so bad off they screamed, 'Just let me lay down and die.'
"(The critics) can talk that. Bring it on. I'm ready for it."
"I think one of the things people want us to do is play the blame game," he said.
He said it is important to understand what went wrong to improve federal, state and local coordination in the event of a terrorist attack
Bush said Vice President Dick Cheney would visit the disaster area Thursday to assess relief efforts and cut any red tape keeping rescuers from survivors.[one such red tape would be having the national guard keep RedCross away. Or what about the red tape that said zero tolerance. Who were the looters you were referring to?]
WASHINGTON - President Bush and congressional leaders promised Tuesday to investigate why the initial federal response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina was, by wide agreement, slow and inadequate.
Bush, who is readying a $40 billion aid package to supplement the $10.5 billion approved by Congress last week, also met with Education Secretary Margaret Spellings to discuss ways to help school districts around the country that are taking in thousands of students displaced from their own schools by the hurricane.
"We must try to restore some sense of structure and normalcy to their lives as quickly as possible," Spellings said. "And that includes helping schools accommodate these new students, who will need books, clothes and other supplies."
Bush said now is not the time "for the blame game," but at some future date, he would personally oversee an investigation into how Katrina rescue efforts were handled by federal, state and local officials.
Bush said he is working with his Cabinet to develop a comprehensive plan for both immediate and long-term housing for the estimated 1 million people displaced by Katrina and to ensure that people can collect their Social Security checks and other benefits no matter where they are living.
He is sending Vice President Dick Cheney to the Gulf Coast region Thursday to evaluate recovery efforts.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Kanye West Speaks Out Against the Treatment of Black People
NBC has quickly distanced itself from West, while some American commentators attacked his comments.
So Kanye West says the President is slow to help, the war in Iraq is taking resources that could be used in New Orleans and permission has been given to shoot black people in New Orleans.
Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush
Dear Mr. Bush:
Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted. Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do you need help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears parking lot. Man, was that a drag.
Also, any idea where all our national guard soldiers are? We could really use them right now for the type of thing they signed up to do like helping with national disasters. How come they weren't there to begin with?
Last Thursday I was in south Florida and sat outside while the eye of Hurricane Katrina passed over my head. It was only a Category 1 then but it was pretty nasty. Eleven people died and, as of today, there were still homes without power. That night the weatherman said this storm was on its way to New Orleans. That was Thursday! Did anybody tell you? I know you didn't want to interrupt your vacation and I know how you don't like to get bad news. Plus, you had fundraisers to go to and mothers of dead soldiers to ignore and smear. You sure showed her!
I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying to Louisiana, you flew to San Diego to party with your business peeps. Don't let people criticize you for this -- after all, the hurricane was over and what the heck could you do, put your finger in the dike?
And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New Orleans this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even if you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there weren't going to be any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you had a much more important construction job for them -- BUILDING DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ!
On Day 3, when you finally left your vacation home, I have to say I was moved by how you had your Air Force One pilot descend from the clouds as you flew over New Orleans so you could catch a quick look of the disaster. Hey, I know you couldn't stop and grab a bullhorn and stand on some rubble and act like a commander in chief. Been there done that.
There will be those who will try to politicize this tragedy and try to use it against you. Just have your people keep pointing that out. Respond to nothing. Even those pesky scientists who predicted this would happen because the water in the Gulf of Mexico is getting hotter and hotter making a storm like this inevitable. Ignore them and all their global warming Chicken Littles. There is nothing unusual about a hurricane that was so wide it would be like having one F-4 tornado that stretched from New York to Cleveland.
No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!
You hang in there, Mr. Bush. Just try to find a few of our Army helicopters and send them there. Pretend the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast are near Tikrit.
Michael Moore
P.S. That annoying mother, Cindy Sheehan, is no longer at your ranch. She and dozens of other relatives of the Iraqi War dead are now driving across the country, stopping in many cities along the way. Maybe you can catch up with them before they get to DC on September 21st.
People Getting Necessities Are Not Looting
Sunday, September 04, 2005
But Now That It Has Happened, Still Not Enough Was Being Done
Stephanie from
Apparently in Jefferson Parish, according to Parish President Aaron Broussard:
“Let me give you just three quick examples. We had Wal-Mart deliver three trucks of water, trailer trucks of water. FEMA turned them back. They said we didn’t need them. This was a week ago. FEMA–we had 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish. The Coast Guard said, “Come get the fuel right away.” When we got there with our trucks, they got a word. “FEMA says don’t give you the fuel.” Yesterday–yesterday–FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and says, “No one is getting near these lines.” Sheriff Harry Lee said that if America–American government would have responded like Wal-Mart has responded, we wouldn’t be in this crisis. ”
This is from Meet the Press with Tim Russert, from Sept 4, 2005.
At the same time not even Red Cross was allowed to give aid in New Orleans. The National Guard was ordered to keep everyone out until the situation was stabalized. Bush started asking for people to donate to Red Cross.
Maybe this is it. Maybe his response time is just slow. I seriously can't continue writing on this. Just donate to Red Cross
Drug Cartels?
(Unfinished draft from 2005 posted on 1/31/08)
Saturday, September 03, 2005
A Lot of the Destruction from Katrina Could Have Been Prevented
In the October 2004 edition of National Geographic Magazine there is an eerily accurate description of a figurative hurricane much like Katrina.
Excerpt from the article:
It was a broiling August afternoon in New Orleans, Louisiana, the Big Easy, the City That Care Forgot. Those who ventured outside moved as if they were swimming in tupelo honey. Those inside paid silent homage to the man who invented air-conditioning as they watched TV "storm teams" warn of a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. Nothing surprising there: Hurricanes in August are as much a part of life in this town as hangovers on Ash Wednesday.
But the next day the storm gathered steam and drew a bead on the city. As the whirling maelstrom approached the coast, more than a million people evacuated to higher ground. Some 200,000 remained, however—the car-less, the homeless, the aged and infirm, and those die-hard New Orleanians who look for any excuse to throw a party.
The storm hit Breton Sound with the fury of a nuclear warhead, pushing a deadly storm surge into Lake Pontchartrain. The water crept to the top of the massive berm that holds back the lake and then spilled over. Nearly 80 percent of New Orleans lies below sea level—more than eight feet below in places—so the water poured in. A liquid brown wall washed over the brick ranch homes of Gentilly, over the clapboard houses of the Ninth Ward, over the white-columned porches of the Garden District, until it raced through the bars and strip joints on Bourbon Street like the pale rider of the Apocalypse. As it reached 25 feet (eight meters) over parts of the city, people climbed onto roofs to escape it.
Thousands drowned in the murky brew that was soon contaminated by sewage and industrial waste. Thousands more who survived the flood later perished from dehydration and disease as they waited to be rescued. It took two months to pump the city dry, and by then the Big Easy was buried under a blanket of putrid sediment, a million people were homeless, and 50,000 were dead. It was the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States.
When did this calamity happen? It hasn't—yet. But the doomsday scenario is not far-fetched. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) lists a hurricane strike on New Orleans as one of the most dire threats to the nation, up there with a large earthquake in California or a terrorist attack on New York City. Even the Red Cross no longer opens hurricane shelters in the city, claiming the risk to its workers is too great.
"The killer for Louisiana is a Category Three storm at 72 hours before landfall that becomes a Category Four at 48 hours and a Category Five at 24 hours—coming from the worst direction," says Joe Suhayda, a retired coastal engineer at Louisiana State University who has spent 30 years studying the coast...
A prediction by climatologists of more frequent powerful storms, an immenent danger according to Shea Penland, a geologist of the University of New Orleans and one of the top three threats in the United States according to FEMA were not enough to goad our government into an effictive response.
Alfred Naomi, project manager for the Army Corp of Engineers "had warned for years of the need to shore up the levees." The Bush Administration and Republican Congress constantly cut back on funding for projects that would build and improve levees, floodwalls and pumping stations. He had drawn up plans to build a Category 5 protection system that would have cost $2.5 billion dollars, a meager amount in comparison to the tens of billions of dollars and thousands of lives that have been and will be lost to this catastrophe.
At the same time natural defensive barriers were being destroyed. Louisana marshes were disappearing at the rate of 1 acre every 33 minutes despite nearly half a billion dollars spent over the last decade to preserve it.
Even without the $2.5 billion dollar plan the Bush Administration interfered with a decade long $430 million plan from the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA). Funds were diverted to Iraq in 2003. Couple that with the Tax-Cuts from 2001-2003 and you can see the burden engineers in New Orleans had to endure. After 2004, the worst hurricane season in decades, the government still made large cuts in the budget forcing Louisiana to raise regional taxes.
There were several cases where the federal government hampered the development of the project. The Louisiana Congressional delegation recieved $10.4 million after requesting over $70 million in recent years. A project to better shore up the banks of Lake Pontchartrain for $15 million was denied. After a request for $4 million over the next four years the Bush Administration agreed to give $300,000 that the state agreed to match and they were then asked to do no study so the funds could be used for the Iraq war this year. It doesn't help further to know the Louisiana National Guard had many of their troops sent to Iraq further hampering the ability to rescue victims in the immediate stages.
There is much more to see in the articles below.
Why is it Mr. Bush is allowed to ignore the threats that are real and visible at our homeland? He chased imaginary threats going after Iraq. He speaks about the welfare of the United States when we have a disaster that may be 15 times more deadly than 9/11 and has caused more destruction than any other disaster. Where it took him several minutes to respond to America being attacked it has taken him several days to respond to Katrina. This isn't a plane that was diverted from a 5 hour course. This is a hurricane that took several days for it's damage to materialize.
Perhaps I am wrong to judge him. Maybe he is slow. Maybe he honestly doesn't care about New Orleans and he wants us to accept that. Maybe he just believes Iraq is the most important thing in the world rihgt now. The priorities are not straight in this mans mind.
Common Dreams
National Geographic
TPM Cafe
Friday, September 02, 2005
New Orleans Injustice
Bush drew no line between those looting stores for survival supplies like food and water and those stealing television sets that are of no use with electricity out in New Orleans. "I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this, whether it be looting, or price-gouging at the gasoline pump or taking advantage of charitable giving, or insurance fraud," Bush said in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America." Looting has run rampant in New Orleans as stranded victims of Hurricane Katrina await emergency assistance. "If people need water and food, we're going to do everything we can to get them water and food. But it's very important for the citizens in all affected areas to take personal responsibility and assume kind of a civic sense of responsibility so the situation doesn't get out of hand, so people don't exploit the vulnerable," Bush said.
No one seems to realize that President
(drafted, unfinished, in 2005 and posted in 1/31/08)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
U.S. Poverty Rate Was Up Last Year
[What better way to end a blurb on rich and poor than with the government announcing an unprecidented 5th straight year in failure for household incomes to increase. ]
The census's annual report card on the nation's economic well-being showed that a four-year-old expansion had still not done much to benefit many households. Median pretax income, $44,389, was at its lowest point since 1997, after inflation.
After the report's release, Bush administration officials said that the job market had continued to improve since the end of 2004 and that they hoped incomes were now rising and poverty was falling. [as opposed to those who heard the report and hope incomes will lower and poverty will rise]The poverty rate "is the last, lonely trailing indicator of the business cycle," said Elizabeth Anderson, chief of staff in the economics and statistics administration of the Commerce Department. [It's completely normal for it to drag behind for 5 years?]
The census numbers also do not reflect the tax cuts passed in President Bush's first term, which have lifted the take-home pay of most families.
[An average 2.2% increase that they will eventually have to pay for. Eventually, the government must cover its bills, either by raising taxes or by cutting spending. Financial markets will not tolerate persistent large and unsustainable deficits.]
But the biggest tax cuts went to high-income families already getting raises, Democrats said Tuesday. The report, they added, showed that the cuts had failed to stimulate the economy as the White House had promised.
While the economy is supposedly looking better and unemployed have decreased fewer people are getting health insurance form their employers while medical costs are going up. Raises are trailing behind inflation and the only way for a family to keep from falling behind is to work more hours. Family members who used to work part time are now working full time and still the median pay of a full time male or female worker dropped 2 and 1 percent respectively.
"It looks like the gains from the recovery haven't really filtered down," said Phillip L. Swagel, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative research group in Washington. "The gains have gone to owners of capital and not to workers."
The trend is likely to continue unless the job market becomes as tight as it was in the late 1990's and companies decide they must offer health insurance to retain workers, said Paul Fronstin, director of the health research program at the Employee Benefit Research Group, a nonpartisan organization in Washington.
The numbers released Tuesday showed a slight decline in median income, but the bureau called the drop, $93, statistically insignificant. Incomes were also roughly flat among whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asian-Americans.
The Midwest, which has been hurt by the weak manufacturing sector, was the only region where the median income fell and poverty rose. [Somehow they'll still figure out a way to be a red state] Elsewhere, they were unchanged.
Since 1967, incomes have failed to rise for four straight years on two other occasions: starting in the late 1970's and in the early 1990's [Like father like son]. The Census Bureau does not report household income for years before 1967, but other data show that incomes were generally rising in the 40's, 50's and 60's.
"The growth in the economy is not going to families," said Senator Jack Reed, Democrat of Rhode Island. "It's in stark contrast to what happened during the Clinton administration." ...
nerd life video games, it also has links to search engines
(I believe this was another thing I created for my own convenience. The links are broken with the exception of Nerd Life. I drafted this in 2005 and am posting it for the sake of posting it on 1/31/08. I seem to have been pretty scatterbrained in 2005)
The Rich On The Other Hand...
But some do have the $3,700 needed to go to Chicago by Limo.
Amazing How Quickly The Apathetic Forget that "Poor people don't even have cars"
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
President Bush's Imperial Behavior: How far can he go before we say no?
Is it possible George Bush has not realized that American public opinion of him is beginning to mirror the same purality the world has had for years. Does Bush not realize the United States is starting to take on the face of a country that bullies others, destroys innocents and fights against the very democracy they claim to want for the entire world? Has he been ignoring our attempts to overthrow democractically elected officials in South America
The United States needs to be more aware of the impact of what its people say. Perhaps if the White House would condemn statements such as Bush supporter Pat Robertson's incitement to murder instead of classifying them as "one citizen's statement" Perhaps if the White House would condemn statements like Pat Robertson's and stop attempting to have democratically elected officials overthrown in South America the United States could get as many deals as Cuba or Brazil. Chavez is definitely a
(unfinished draft in 2005, posted on 1/31/2008)
Hugo Chavez Trumps George Bush In United States Welfare
There is no better way to elaborate on narrow minded thinking than with an article created shortly after hearing such a statement. Venezuela's CITGO is going to provide cheap gas for U.S. hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Venezuela's CITGO to Provide Cheap Gas for U.S. Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Schools. In addition, Hugo Chavez announced implementing free eye operations to people in all American continents with 150,000 operations available for United States citizens per year.
I don't know about you but I think President Chavez is a great, humane guy. Despite the fact that the United States has been involved in the overthrowing of many democratically elected officials, has been seen as implicated in the 2002 coup attempt of Chavez himself and has had the United States Secretary of Defense proclaim him a threat to stability in the region Hugo Chavez still extends his hand to all of America. Perhaps other leaders, especially those who claim to be Christian, can follow this type of turn the other cheek behavior.
Perhaps if the United States acts more civil and considerate to it's neighbors we can make deals that will help the entire nation. We should not have to wait on other leaders whose compassion weighs heavier than their relationship with our leader because our leader is making it tough to deal with the world. Resources in Ethiopia were lost to China because of our inability to be civil. We are losing human lives in Afghanistan and Iraq. Unless the money being made from this bloodshed and disorder is so great, maybe we can make America out to be the just place it was meant to be. The alternative is remaining narrow minded and walking away.
Monday, August 29, 2005
U.S. Lowers Sights On What Can Be Achieved in Iraq
I don't think it's as much of a "lowering sights" as it is an admittance to what's possible. Like they really had those intentions going in.
He Eventually Added Luisiana Yesterday
Kicking Ass has a post with links that can keep you updated on Katrina
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Even Amidst A Natural Disaster Bush Finds A Way To Take Advantage Of It
I was watching Fox News (They seem to be covering Katrina more than most right now) when I saw the ticker tape say Bush was giving millions of dollars in federal funds to FL and MS. I would understand completely why Florida is getting money because they had 2 billion in damages but Mississippi hasn't been hit yet. Neither has Louisiana nor Alabama. So I take it Bush just wanted to give money to Jeb and added Mississippi to make it look legit. I mean New Orleans is about to be in the center of Katrina. Why hasn't he opened up emergency funds to Louisiana?
[moment of empathy]I haven't been posting as often as usual with school in all.
Anyway, keep the people in the Gulf in your prayers, hopes and best wishes. I'm sure we all know people down there. [/moment of empathy]
Grieving Parents Polled About Iraq War
An article from the New York Times discussing the split in opinion on the Iraq war among parents who have lost their children to Bush's war gives an insight into the mind's of the grieving.
(Another draft that I have decided to release. Though I wrote this quote awhile ago I never posted it. 1/31/08)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Santorum Lies Like Pat Robertson In an Attempt to Distance Himself From the War
"Things have gotten so bad for Bush, that Republicans are now trying to invent disagreements with the president in order to distance themselves from the Bush disaster. "
New Ad for Dems
If 9/11 was the NewPearlHarbor®,
We are now approaching Thanksgiving, 1945.
Hitler, Tojo, Hirohito, and Mussolini are done for,
MacArthur has gotten his pants legs wet...
Yet Bush hasn't gotten Osama.
YOO HOO! Democrats! YOO HOO!
Anybody out there running for office?
There's your campaign commercial!
Run it 24-7 from now till 2006.
Human Lives Are Worth Much More Than This "War" In Iraq
In searching for people who agreed with the man I stumbled upon an article on that belittles the deaths of thousands and claimed the war in Iraq is as important as WWII. As I felt there should not be a claim like that without there being at least one counter claim I decided to start this response.
To Leon H.
I'd like to join you in your opinion that our generation is not the first to deal with difficult moral issues. I would also like to agree that we have a lack of willingness to defend ourselves and our culture from threats. The very fact that we have allowed almost half our country's voters to vote for a man who threatens the well-being of the United States disturbs me. Equally disturbing is your thinking we should "stay the course".
The life of a human being, not just an American human being, is important enough to mention the thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians that have died in Iraq. I do not think we are obligated to abandon historical perspective in a sea of shrieking hysteria. None-the-less I think you must put this war in its proper perspective. While the American soldiers' deaths number over 1800 it is difficult to find the number of civilians in Iraq who have died because of this war. Estimates have been anywhere from 23,000 to over 100,000. No matter where the number lies, at what point must you as a human being feel obligated to at least acknowledge the people who are losing their lives in this senseless war.
In a historical comparison to wars throughout the history of this nation it is true that we have not sustained as many casualties as in wars past. It is equally true that this war is petty in comparison to many wars in our past. The first thing you must consider is the trivial nature of this war. We entered this war for several reasons according to George Bush and those who surround him. Many of these reasons have been lies. I am still waiting for a "smoking gun" or a "mushroom cloud" made by "Suddam's WMD" to "make it to our borders". President Bush capitalized on both fear and the trust of the people. Using this he lied his way into an illegal war that his friends profit from.
To compare this illegal war against a country whose leader had no ability to even strike us to World War II, a war fought against a man killing millions who had already managed to conquer others on his way toward world domination is ridiculous. There are no people lined up in gas stations. There is no shortage of butter. Ford Motors is not turning out military vehicles instead of the latest Escape. The lack of public attention, loss of men and urgency to take out the insurgency should only be further evidence that this is not a war but an occupation.
The people of this country are far from war weary. This country is tired of the occupation that has occurred based off a lie. Some who you have mistaken for weary are as troubled with losing family to this conflict as much as they may be with the conflict itself.
We do not support this President and we would rather he not attempt to take our hand and force us to stay this course. The President needs to be reminded that he is OUR representative and it is he that must be dragged in the direction that we believe in.
You end with a warning against immediate withdrawal. To make it seem like all liberals are requesting immediate withdrawal is just as underhanded Pat Robertson's lie or Bush's call to invade Iraq. Perhaps you need to preach withdrawal instead of staying the course.
We should have never gone in there in the first place. We should have planned it out since we did go in. We do recognize that since Bush did put us in this mess so we have to piece-meal our way out as best as we can. Sadly we can't withdraw immediately. But we still need to make a plan to get our troops out of this mistake as soon as possible.
Amendment: August 25, 2005, 4:05PM
And all this at a real expense in treasure and blood. As of Aug. 24 at 10 a.m. EDT, 1,867 American military personnel have died in Iraq. Another 14,120 have been wounded -- 6,770 gravely enough to require removal from the field . The war's price tag, by reasonable estimates, is topping $200 billion and counting.
Pat Robertson. The Almost Perfect Bush Supporter.
Robertson called for the assassination of Venezuela's president
Pat Robertson, host of Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club and founder of the Christian Coalition of America, called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
From the August 22 broadcast of The 700 Club:
ROBERTSON: There was a popular coup that overthrew him [Chavez]. And what did the United States State Department do about it? Virtually nothing. And as a result, within about 48 hours that coup was broken; Chavez was back in power, but we had a chance to move in. He has destroyed the Venezuelan economy, and he's going to make that a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism all over the continent.
You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war. And I don't think any oil shipments will stop. But this man is a terrific danger and the United ... This is in our sphere of influence, so we can't let this happen. We have the Monroe Doctrine, we have other doctrines that we have announced. And without question, this is a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil, that could hurt us very badly. We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.
~Media Matters, Monday August 22, 2005 at 4:40 PM EST
I was originally not going to post this, but when someone makes a blatant lie like this and they are a supporter of the Bush camp you HAVE to post it.
Pat Robertson's evolving excuses on Chavez assassination call

On the morning of August 24, Pat Robertson falsely claimed that he never called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying that his August 22 remarks were "misinterpreted."
On the afternoon of August 24, Robertson issued a press release in which he claimed that his assassination comments were "adlibbed" out of frustration, suggesting they were not representative of his true thinking.
So, which is it? Did Robertson "adlib" the assassination line, or did he never say it? What will his next explanation be? And is Robertson now admitting he lied earlier in the day in his statement on The 700 Club? Will he apologize to the news organizations he falsely accused of misinterpreting his unambiguous call for Chavez's assassination?
— J.F.
Posted to the web on Wednesday August 24, 2005 at 5:03 PM EST
He knows how to lie. He just hasn't figured out the ambiguous statement technique and the cover up. Bush, "Condi" you gotta teach him to lie to the press!!!(Or Hide from it Like Cheney)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Do Not Take Bush's Statements for Face Value
I originally saw this post of his on Eschaton.
Bush is playing the McCarthyism card. Time to fight back. Here'sThe Bush camp has no qualms with lying. We have to take every statement they say with analysis. Please think whenever they say ANYTHING that may affect the way you think.
my suggestion:
"Today, George W. Bush said that leaving Iraq prematurely will "weaken the
United States."
This is obviously a poll-tested and focus-grouped phrase designed to
marginalize Cindy Sheehan and his Iraq war critics.
So, here's a project for the White House press corps. Make Bush explain, in
detail and with evidence, how leaving Iraq will 'weaken the United
Saturation bomb Scott McLellan with questions demanding that President Bush
provide a detailed explanation for how that will occur because, frankly, we
aren't going to take his declarations of what is and is not in our national
security interests at face value any more.
If he or someone from his administration says that leaving early means the
'terrorists will win,' ask them to explain what that means too. Win how? Which
terrorists? The Jihadists, or the Iraqi Nationalists?
For each poll-tested, focus-grouped, soundbite Bush, or one of his minions
utters on this topic, demand a more detailed and factually supported
explanation. Simply reporting what bush says is no longer good enough. The man
cannot be trusted. He will say or do anything to protect himself and his party
In other words, do your Goddamn jobs."I haven't been bugging Duncan to link
to any of my posts lately.
I hope he seriously considers this one. The Press corps cannot simply take
Bush's word for anything involving Iraq. And Bush should not be allowed to get
away with demegoguing this and invoking neo-McCarthyism for cheap political
Please spread this around. I don't care if you attribute it to me or
not. All I care about is that the press do its job for a change.
Hesiod Email 08.23.05 - 12:32 pm #
The way he handles Iraq, the way he treats Sheehan and the way the way he deals with any problem tends to be easy to scrutinize. Always be on alert
Problems With Dead Wrong
1. Should have been broadcast two, if not three, f'n years ago. The New Republic(!) ran a more compelling version of the story in June 2003.
2. Aside from the bit about Curveball, overlooks how BS intelligence was being fed into the system by Chalabi & Co.
3. Thank God it's finally getting out there.
GD 08.22.05 - 4:46 pm
This is a good summary of the whole program. The New Republic's article is a must read for anyone who thinks CNN's Dead Wrong has done the story justice. (It should be kept in mind that National Republic's article was presented 2 years prior to CNN's program) I imagine CNN or another station will have another diluted, outdated and misrepresenting special to take our minds off current, real issues
Monday, August 22, 2005
The Case Against Bush
Perhaps it was my fault for expecting something titled "Dead Wrong" to be hard hitting, something that would smash the foundations of the Bush Administration. I wasted 5 pages taking notes and after program finished I realized I'd wasted an hour watching shallow, old news that deflected your attention away from Bush so you could better focus on an inept and irrelevant intelligence community.
Was it not amazing that specific comments made in the story could run against the current of the story. "Doesn't the ultimate responsibility lie with the President of the United States?" was asked by an interviewee at the beginning of the program. Bush wanted intelligence to find anything against Saddam Hussein that would give them a reason to attack Iraq. Cheney asserted Iraq was still building WMDs. Condoleeza Rice was joining in with the statements that we needed to stop the "smoking gun" from becoming a mushroom cloud. The Bush administration was responsible for the environment that did not accept skepticism from its intelligence officers and Bush is the one who wanted Tenet at his side.
A comment was made in the program that the Intelligence community has been used as a scapegoat for the President of the United States from Kennedy and the "missile gap" through Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair. Attention is always taken away from President [his name here]. Despite all this, the documentary seems to follow George Tenet like a biography. Not only does the program reinforce Tenet as a scapegoat (who is strangely awarded a medal while after he ruins Colin Powell's career and resigns), but it props up a new scapegoat at the end of the program for the public to keep their eyes on. The documentary begins with Tenet and ends with his new replacement saying John Negroponte must avoid faltering when bad news must be delivered.
So once again a blank check is being written for the President of the United States. The payment is "one John Negroponte and zero sense" and it's waiting to be made out to some scandal. We need to remind ourselves this is not about a director of Intelligence. It is not about Tenet or Negroponte. It is only about CNN through extension. Yes, CNN is deeply implicated in this as much as anyone. This program is another piece of evidence to further the case against the real culprit, George W. Bush.
Note: [added August 22, 2005. 5:55 AM] A blogger reminded me I should give not give credit to Colin Powell by saying Tenet ruined Powell's career. Colin Powell had a chance to stand up to the Bush and ask for real evidence. He didn't.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
For A Patriotic Mother:
All Sheehan wanted was a straight answer from the President. She wanted to know why her son died. She wanted to know what this war was about. She didn't do anything wrong. On the side she was commemorating the deaths of other fallen soldiers and somehow there were people who put a spin on that. She peacefully assembled and people found negative in it.
Bless Sheehan, her son and that camp. Maybe that will help defend from those people pulling against her.
Just some catching up;&version=9e/?search=PR%206%20:%2016%20-%2019;&version=9;
New York Times Gives "Bush Lied" A Try
The Bush administration has announced plans for a Freedom Walk on Sept. 11, which will start at the Pentagon and end at the National Mall, and include a country music concert. The event is an ill-considered attempt to link the Iraq war to the terrorist attacks of 2001, and misguided in almost every conceivable way. It also badly misreads the public's mood. The American people are becoming increasingly skeptical about the war. They want answers to hard questions, not pageantry.
~New York Times - August 21, 2005
It's taking time but the media is warming up to saying we went into Iraq under false pretenses
Friday, August 19, 2005
What are they hiding?
I just signed up to file a Freedom of Information Act Request to force the adminstration to release the records of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts.
Roberts worked for the Justice Department on 16 key Supreme Court cases -- the records will give the best perspective of his view on crucial issues.
What are they hiding? Let's find out -- join me and file a Freedom of Information Act request:
Don't exercise your free speech in front of Rush. He might getcha!!
So, I felt like this was one of those 1st Amendment days.
Wouldn't it be great if anybody who speaks out against this country, to kick them out of the country? Anybody that threatens this country, kick 'em out. We'd get rid of Michael Moore, we'd get rid of half the Democratic Party if we would just import that law. That would be fabulous. The Supreme Court ought to look into this. Absolutely brilliant idea out there.So I decided to support him with a letter. Maybe we should all support him with a letter. Anyway, here's how mine went.
Great Idea Rush!If you want here's Rush's e-mail
August 11, 2005 on your show you said we need to kick
out anybody who speaks against this country. That's a
brilliant idea.
I think you'll agree with me when I say you're the
first to go. If you want to get rid of the ability to
petition the Government so we can allow an unyielding,
unchecked government to exist go ahead and be my
I know for a fact that I am the country. We are the
country. If I want to talk about what I'm doing wrong
I have every right to do it.
Right now I don't feel like I'm not owning up to who I
am right now. I feel like half of me is ripping the
country apart. I feel like half of me is disregarding
the other half and making BOLD statements and behavior
that makes me sick.
So go ahead and leave if you want. You try and make me
leave and I'll make sure you're wading your way across
the Atlantic long before I am.
Article [I.]
Congress shall make no law ...respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably
to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances.
Heck here's his mailing address.
The Rush Limbaugh Show
1270 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
If any of his personal friends have his home address write him or give him a letter by hand unless maybe you're one of those people who don't like the Constitution. That's just as fine. You have the right to sit down and do nothing also.
The Good, the Bad, The Ugly
Have you ever thought to yourself, "What won't people say?"
Personally, I have yet to figure that out
Response to Ann. That shoot-to-kill policy is very dangerous.
Second, I'd like to respond to your post directly Ann. Whoever implied the "good" you speak of countered the bad doesn't speak for me. How dare you imply any good came from this. You cannot in your right mind believe that if everyone walks slowly and wears a denim jacket that the terrorists will be easier to spot. Someone could just as easily accomplish their goals by simply lining plastic explosives along their jeans or shoes (as in one infamous case we all remember that forced me to take my Converse in a meaningless show of security in airports). Apparently if I walk slowly, resemble another man and an officer is taking a leak when he should be doing his job I'll take 7 to the head!
Finally, I'd like to talk about what's really gone on here.
An innocent, unarmed man was shot to death by London Cops after sitting in the train of a London Subway. The officers lied by omisson when they allowed the public to believe the man was acting suspicious. And then the Scotland Yard has the nerve to be angry the report was leaked.
The shoot-to-kill policy and suspicious behavior were cited in justifying the actions of the officers. He was shot to death because he lived on the same block as one of the bombers. The Scotland Yard claims he was shot to death because of miscommunication.
I'll tell you the truth. Menezes was shot to death without proper justification. He was shot to death because of the incompetence of the officers. He was shot to death because of fear based on ineptitude and stereotypes. He was shot to death because he was not white. He was shot to death because they need a scapegoat (had it not been for forensics and the leak he may have been looked at as "suspicious" for all of posterity).
Jean Charles de Menezes was an innocent man. He had a family and a community and was riding the train the same way he had been riding for months. He could not control where he lived. He could not control what he looked like. He could not control officers who would "shoot to kill".
No good can come of this action. We all know how not to act suspicious. Only a fool believes no one knows not to run from a cop. You can look at cartoons and black and whites that show thieves, drug dealers and the stereotypical "bad guy" with large jackets. We are not unfamiliar with what looks suspicious and no one will believe the world is going to consciously change their behavior in a way that suits finding terrorists.
A human being was killed in cold blood. This act is nothing more than an act of murder.
A Civilized Society Cannot Allow Unjustifiable Acts: Especially Murder
The value of a human life or of the lives of humans should never be compromised or marginalized.
There is no enlightenment in the crime of murder, that is the killing of one human being by another. Homicide without a clear justification is homicide.
There is nothing which allows us to flail uncontrollably like a homicidal maniac because a few fools will support our crime against humanity.
If such a notion is to be tolerated only an imbecile would not be able to quickly perceive where this foolishness would lead us.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Schwarzenegger Proposes Sex Offender Tracking
Good Idea. I think the governor should volunteer to wear the first tracking device to garner support. Wasn't he the one groping all those women anyway?
Here's the original L.A. Times article.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Iraq is motivation in July 21 failed bombing attempt
The July 21 failed bombing attempt was not linked to the July 7 attacks, it was not intended to injure people, but only to scare, and he and his associates were motivated by anger at civilian casualties in Iraq, Hussain Osman told his interrogators in Rome. Osman is believed to be one of the 4 men who perpetrated the failed attack.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
United States and its handle on time.
Basically I thought "OK so it's the muscle bound country changing the way they see time". I didn't shrug it off but I didn't put that much thought into it.
Then yesterday on the front page of the Wall Street Journal I see the United States put a "secret bid" in the United Nations to remove the link of time from the sun...
OK, OK, I guess you can do that, they redefined the second to terms of light awhile wait why can you do that again? This probably would have screwed with Einstein's mind when he made the E=mc^2 argument. Meters per....whatever it is the United States wants it to be.
Anyway the two people opposing this big time seem to be England (commanders of time with the Greenwich Standard) and astronomers who would have to pay 10 to 500 thousand dollars to modify existing laboratories because of their dependance on todays time standards.
I really think the United States needs to leave time alone. We have already pulled away from the metric system and I'm fine with that, but you don't need to reinvent the second.
China's bid for the United State's oil
That being said, there should be no one advocating the sale of Unocal to 71% state owned CNOOC Ltd. If we are to support a global market emulating the United States other governments should not be allowed to put their hand on business. If George Bush cannot use the treasury in an attempt to purchase companies neither can China.
On top of that we would be allowing China access to our natural resources. Everyone knows you cannot let another country have control of your resources. Even video games like Civilization stress you to not let other countries just take your resources. Come on people. There's really nothing else to say.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
G8 Summit. A Multi-Million Dollar Meeting and for what?
I don't know where to begin. I guess I'll start with debt and trade in Africa. First of all Africa has already paid for its debts with the millions of lives taken during the slave trade. Second, I somehow doubt a couple days of chit-chat cut short by yet another bomb in the United Kingdom is going to help as much as you'd think. Perhaps the $37 million plus spent on the summit could have been used to help pay debt.
Interesting thing is 18 countries were relieved of their debt. Even more interesting is they were all countries who didn't have the means to pay the interest on their debt anyway. Oh goody you removed the debt from people who weren't going to pay. Big whoop.
The summit is to adopt a watered-down declaration avoiding any concrete steps like setting targets or timetables for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This couldn't have been done over the phone? Why not just get a cheap $20 camera, put it on the top of your computer and go to a chat room?
Good job guys. I guess the saying "talk is cheap" has no place in here, huh? Good Night. Whatever
Monday, July 04, 2005
We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident...
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...
Africa - The Western World's Chew Toy
An article that claims when you put the Iraq war aside you see Blair and Bush are completely different people. It says Blair is a socialist wishing to save the world and Bush is a "hardheaded realist" It also goes on to change the subject to the Downey street memos.
Many protesters point out Africa will need to be helped over the long haul. Also we need to remember Africa was raped. We don't need private sectors as favours in return for debt relief. The western world's favours were the forced emmigration from Africa. They paid for us, now pay em back.
Bush is trying to stress that he and Blair are not buddy buddy just because of the Iraq situation. He then goes on to say that we are not going to lose money due to constrictions on environmental standards? Come on Bush, stop trying these magic tricks. You aren't misdirecting anyone.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Tom Cruise - from Top Gun to know-it-all
Tom Cruise has suddenly become an authority outside of acting. I hadn't been paying much attention to the man because I don't normally consider the latest celebrity make-up and break-ups to be a number one priority in international news. But when someone decides to become an expert in all things in existence (including what may not be in existence for that matter) I think that is when you should take a step into the story and see what is going on.
A couple weeks ago I was talking among friends and asked "Why don't people ever shoot back at reporters when they say stupid things?" I would think reporters and interviewers would be less docile than they tend to be on television. Tom Cruise has supported the adage "Be careful what you wish for". I have heard of a few major mistakes he has committed recently.
First off he broke up with a very powerful woman for someone I have barely ever heard of (mind you this is my opinion. I am in no way an expert like Tom Cruise is).
Secondly, in an interview with Matt Lauer on the "Today" show Cruise said he knew "the history of psychiatry". Now again I'm no expert but if psychology is like any other field in existence today that is a bold claim. Psychology is millennia old Tom. I guarantee he doesn't know the history of psychiatry. I challenge him to go against anyone who's actually in the field. So I thought maybe he was angry and not thinking.
Yet tonight I see Cruise's arrogance when after a German reporter asked about life outside earth, Cruise had the gull to say "Of course...Are you really so arrogant as to believe we are alone in this universe? ". Tom Cruise needs to remember he is an actor. He is not a doctor, has no masters degree, is not a historian, psychiatrist, psychologist, a Nobel prize winner, a competent interviewer or anything else meriting such remarks.
Cruise, you're a "Top Gun" who needs cue cards. You need to start biting your tongue when the card is missing. When someone needs help in acting go ahead and give them advice. (unless you're already going senile or does that condition not exist either?). When someone does or doesn't ask for help in medicine keep your mouth shut.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Just how much does it cost America to rush into things?
About this much.
"The Transportation Security Administration Lost Control of over $300 million spent by contractor to hire airport screeners after 9/11."
Wow, the Transportation Security Administration lost track of over $300 million dollars. Naturally they do not have a $300 million dollar bill so they had to make it more complex than accidentally letting it slip out of their wallet.
Sadly, the country's post 9/11 hysteria let contractors create open ended contracts allowing such practices as "mapping" (making the TSA pay for more than what a temp was actually paid. e.g. I hire a typist on behalf of the mayor for $20 and make the government pay me $48 in return), virtual blank checks, and orders to change recruitment centers from the 925 assessment centers already used by the prime contractor, NCS Pearson Inc to 150 more expensive hotel-based assessment centers.
(By the way, NCS Pearson had been used for things like assessing potential Wal-Mart employees and had never before taken on something of this scale.)
These new arrangements increased contracts by at least $343 million to what would eventually become $741 million from what started as a $104 million contract. "But the contract was on a 'time and materials' basis." (Blank checks, go figure). Luckily for tax payers, NCS Pearson was gracious enough to negotiate and settle for $741 million instead of their original $867 million in claimed costs after the audit.
According to the Washington Post, some of the $300 million of the $731 million dollars allocated to the TSA was misappropriated in the name of Homeland Security to such noble causes as:
· $526.95 for one phone call from the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Chicago to Iowa City.
· $1,180 for 20 gallons of Starbucks Coffee -- $3.69 a cup -- at the Santa Clara Marriott in California.
· $1,540 to rent 14 extension cords at $5 each per day for three weeks at the Wyndham Peaks Resort and Golden Door Spa in Telluride, Colo.
With 186 subcontractors, "public bidding" might as well have gone the way of Haliburton. I mean the administration has been making a fortune off nepotism. Why can't a couple of educational centers do the same?
All in all none of this was really surprising. The TSA is but a tenth of the problem, if that much. Just a little over three days ago Congressman Dent (R) of Pennsylvania pointed out some of the flagrant deficiencies in spending nationwide among the states (pdf). The Department of Homeland Security granted $6.3 billion to the states and only 31% of it was spent. I want to know what happens to the $4 billion dollars not spent. Surely it could be used to help pad the increasing $30.85 billion dollar budget Dent and the Homeland Security Committee proposed. Before we increase the budget maybe we need to figure out how get everyone to spend the money correctly.
Our tax dollars managed to literally pay for plasma televisions, air conditioned garbage trucks and lawn mower drag racing all in the name of Homeland Security.
Even though the executives of Pearson may say these are accepted practices, so was slavery, not allowing women to vote, the existence of county bosses and unsanitary meat packing.
Just because you're stealing from America legally doesn't mean you can gloat about it. Keep stepping on our toes and eventually we'll decide to stop letting you just take our money.